Fundraiser Jessica Rensing Fundraiser Jessica Rensing


We're trying to raise money and you could win money!!!

Please help us help local kids

We supply:

• school supplies

• Christmas gift

• Easter basket

• 4th grade Essay contest

• so much more!!!

We help out: schools, scouts and sport teams.

It’s only $5 to enter the raffle and you could win $5,000–pretty nice return! This link should already have Paragon Optimist Club selected as the charity, but please make sure it does. There’s at least 3 main prizes GRAND PRIZE: $5,000 Cash, SECOND PRIZE: $2,500 Cash, THIRD PRIZE: Cincinnati Get-Away Experience ($1,500 in vouchers). Thanks in advance for all your help!

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Memorial Day Jessica Rensing Memorial Day Jessica Rensing

🇺🇸 Proudly Remembering why We’re Free 🇺🇸

In this day and age in the United States we have the freedom to be whatever our hearts and abilities will allow. We have freedom of speech and the freedom to complain about what someone else says when we don’t agree with them. We have freedom in our careers, in our marriages and who to vote for or even not to vote for anyone! These are all rights and freedoms we tend to take for granted because we are Americans.

Memorial Day is the day we honor those that paid for our rights and freedoms. I read a quote that stated Memorial Day is the most expensive holiday. It was bought by those men and women who bravely died on the battlefield to pay for our freedoms. I am proud that we walk 1.5 miles every Memorial Day handing out candy to the kids and making them smile. And all the prep work that goes into being ready for the parade. We all spent a few hours over the last few weeks honoring those brave soldiers in our own way.

God Bless those that died for this country and our freedoms. Always remember we are the home of the brave!

Brenda T

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Fundraiser Jessica Rensing Fundraiser Jessica Rensing


We're trying to raise money and you could win money!!!

Please help us help local kids

We supply:

• school supplies

• Christmas gift

• Easter basket

• 4th grade Essay contest

• so much more!!!

We help out: schools, scouts and sport teams.

It’s only $5 to enter the raffle and you could win $5,000–pretty nice return! This link should already have Paragon Optimist Club selected as the charity, but please make sure it does. There’s at least 3 main prizes GRAND PRIZE: $5,000 Cash, SECOND PRIZE: $2,500 Cash, THIRD PRIZE: Cincinnati Get-Away Experience ($1,500 in vouchers). Thanks in advance for all your help!

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Fundraiser Jessica Rensing Fundraiser Jessica Rensing


We're trying to raise money (and how we're doing it) and you could win money!!! It’s only $5 to enter the raffle and you could win $5,000–pretty nice return! This link should already have Paragon Optimist Club selected as the charity, but please make sure it does. There’s at least 3 main prizes GRAND PRIZE: $5,000 Cash, SECOND PRIZE: $2,500 Cash, THIRD PRIZE: Cincinnati Get-Away Experience ($1,500 in vouchers). Thanks in advance for all you help. This will help us help local kids and give back to our community.

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Fundraiser Jessica Rensing Fundraiser Jessica Rensing


We're trying to raise money and you could win money!!!

Please help us help local kids

We supply:

• school supplies

• Christmas gift

• Easter basket

• 4th grade Essay contest

• so much more!!!

We help out: schools, scouts and sport teams.

It’s only $5 to enter the raffle and you could win $5,000–pretty nice return! This link should already have Paragon Optimist Club selected as the charity, but please make sure it does. There’s at least 3 main prizes GRAND PRIZE: $5,000 Cash, SECOND PRIZE: $2,500 Cash, THIRD PRIZE: Cincinnati Get-Away Experience ($1,500 in vouchers). Thanks in advance for all your help!

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Jessica Rensing Jessica Rensing

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Jessica Rensing Jessica Rensing

Proudly Remembering

Thank you to all who have served!

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Jessica Rensing Jessica Rensing

Food Drive

With the rising cost of food, rent and everything else, the Paragon Optimist Club decided to assist our community with food. We are collecting food and money for the Fairfield  Food Store during the month of March.

The people who the pantry  serves includes seniors, disabled individuals, and low income. 

So far our club has donated 93 pounds of food and $100.00. The food includes tuna, macaroni and cheese, packaged flavored rice, packaged flavored noodles, spaghetti, lasagna noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, canned soup, cereal, flavored oatmeal.

If you want to help with this and other service activities come visit us at one of our  meeting. Tuesday nights @ 7:15PM (except first Tuesday - that’s a Board meeting). We meet at the Fairfield Optimist Clubhouse.

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