School Days, School Days. Dear Old Golden Rule Days.
Many of the older generation heard this song when it was the beginning of the school year.
Many parents and children dread the beginning of the school year because it is hard to buy all the needed supplies.
When you have job loss, reduced work hours or loss of housing, school supplies are a hard items to buy. Once again the Paragon Club bought school supplies to donate.
This year we chose to donate the supplies to St Ann School.
The items donated are as follows:
49 packs of index cards,
260 pencils, 137erasers,
142 notebooks,
25 paper towels,
19 disinfecting wipes,
179 pens,
1 box storage bags,
17 packs of markers,
47 binders,
92 boxes of crayons,
129 glue sticks,
29 glue bottles,
15 packs of colored pencils,
160 mechanical pencils,
113 highlighters,
13 pencil cases,
4 rulers,
312 pocket folders,
5 scissors,
35 packs of dry erase markers,
33 pencil sharpeners,
14 boxes of tissues,
26 glue bottles,
60 composition notebooks,
80 mechanical pencils and
2 bottles of hand sanitizer.
Pat B
Because We Want to Help – 1st Quarter
During this time of isolation, it is hard for clubs that do service, to take any action. Schools are closed or not allowing visitors. Physical items cannot be donated to shelters because of the contamination. We, the members of the Paragon Optimist Club have been able to do some activities. We have not been able to do our usual fun activities, but hopefully as 2021 opens more, we can be back too normal.
Pat B
What a year it has been. New ways of life due to COVID, loss of friends and loved ones, keeping a positive outlook and pushing through adversity. With all this going on Paragon perseveres in continuing our support of those less fortunate. Thanks to member generosity and help from our shopping elves we provided Christmas for eight children. Fairfield Optimist and Paragon Optimist clubs handed gifts out together to families. Santa was there with his elf. Parents and kids loved it. Santa had each child pick a gift to open. Sheer delight on their faces ripping the paper and excited to see what Santa brought them. Masks couldn't hide the smiles and appreciation from parents and grandparents. Not only did we provide for the kids we helped families forget their hardships for a little while. We are an amazing club and I wish everyone a safe and healthy 2021.
Paula B
For several years we have assisted Trinity Lutheran Church in Mt. Healthy with their community outreach program "Feed Your Neighbor." Normally we purchase, cook and serve healthy hot meals to neighbors seated in the building, and then helped clean up. Since the money was donated by members at our meetings and all our meetings are now virtual thanks to COVID-19, we now purchase food paid for by the church. On January 28, we cooked, packaged and bagged it. Church members then distribute it safely to the waiting families. We still cleaned up whatever mess we made. We serve between 80-130 meals each time to community families. We've been told that our meals are some of the best they get. While they miss, sitting in a warm church with others and being served piping hot meals, they are still very appreciative of the service.
Trish C
In the next few months, we will be working on several activities. We are working with the local schools to have fourth graders write an essay for our annual 4th Grade Essay Contest where winners receive prizes. We are collecting, sorting and filling Easter baskets to be delivered to those in need. We are also busy collecting items for our Paragon Pals bags that are donated to the homeless. We are still having meeting on Zoom and trying doing service because that is how we roll!
Pat B
2020 Pandemic (so far!)
When I started the year as President (2019-2020 year), I was so excited and couldn’t wait to hit the ground running on all the Paragon Optimist Club’s community service and fellowship activities. First quarter came and went in a flash, and we had so much fun and so many members attending meetings. Then we fell into second quarter and a global scare.
What do you do as a very active Optimist Club during a pandemic? You put your heads together and come up with a plan!
Plan A – a huge failure! We got on Facebook messenger but found out you can only have 8 members on at a time, so onto another plan. After all isn’t there some saying about you succeed by failing fast….
Plan B – a success! Since some of our members switched to working from home during this time, it was suggested we try Zoom. One of our members took the initiative to set it up, emailed the link to all members, and lo and behold we were able to resume meetings with fantastic member turnout!
These were not your typical meeting per se but a meeting nonetheless. We once again could take care of Optimist business however our entire event’s calendar became obsolete. We once again put our heads together to stay social. Some of the fun things we did after our meetings were: trivia, show & tell, funny story night and a pajama party.
Our Sergeant at Arms, Sally, made each Tuesday night just a little more interesting with over the top instructions for the next week’s meeting, such as wearing funky jewelry, funny hat, pajamas and purple clothing, to name a few.
We may miss being able to see each other in person, but we have been able to stay in touch and continue the great work we do as Optimists. The remote meetings have also given our Club a chance to see things in a different light. Each week we now open our homes to each other, which at times includes random pop-ins from their family and friends! We also learned the difficulties of speaking in unison when we try to recite the Optimist Creed at the end of our meetings. The video below is an example of our most recent attempt, which I must proudly admit we have really improved over these past few months…
When Ohio begins to reopen, we are looking forward to the day we can actually meet in person and once again become the Club I know we are.
What a year to be President!
Sharon B
It’s Not About Perfect Spelling or Grammar
Each year I can’t wait for the results of one of my favorite programs, the 4th Grade Essay Contest, to be announced. The Paragon Optimist Club submits topics to teachers in the area and asks the students to write their thoughts. This contest may be the first time these children are asked their opinions and feelings about something going on in their lives. The teachers educate the students that by writing an essay their thoughts matter and can be “heard” through the use of the written word.
And, it doesn’t have to be perfect to “win” a contest. I have helped judged this contest in the past, and some of the most memorable essays were not the ones with perfect grammar or spelling. The best ones are the ones that convey the kids’ message in a way that makes the reader take notice and think. Some of the essays I have read are heart breaking and some of them are comical. However, they all provide insight into how the future generation considers topics or wants to contribute to the world.
This year was more difficult than most I imagine with the advent of schools shutting down due to the COVID19 pandemic. The essay author I resonated with this year was a student that stated they wanted to be a teacher when they grow up because they “help lots of kids in all different ways.” And, it struck me, now more than ever we need to support and encourage students to be teachers. Living in Denver, CO, I have seen stories on the news about how much the students will be missing out on with no in person classes, and it isn’t just educational opportunities. There are schools that provide meals to their students, and teachers are worried about how their kids will eat if they aren’t getting the supplies provided by the school. During this difficult time, we see more teachers being creative in the way they not only educate, but also in how they encourage and support their students. It makes me wonder if through this pandemic whether more students will be inspired to be teachers as well because they see the dedication their own teachers have to them and their classmates.
Now more than ever, contests like the one our Club sponsor are important. It provides the students a safe place and opportunity to talk about their lives, thoughts, and opinions without having to worry about being graded on improper spelling or grammar. They are given the chance to creatively think about what they want to do or see in the future. And, during this time of pandemic, allowing and encouraging students to dream of their futures may be one of the best ways to overcome fear and isolation caused by COVID19. Listening to the dreams of tomorrow allows the thoughts of today to be filled with hope.
Lizzy S.
Smart Meetings
As President again,
I will try to keep away the pathogen.
No virus can keep us apart,
Because we’re too smart.
We Zoomed,
So virus you’re doomed!
Sharon B.
Optimists in April
April showers bring May flowers,
but this April brought so much more–
the Coronavirus, stay at home orders,
and masked visits to the grocery store!
But we are Optimists through and through–
we won’t let it get us down.
We’ll continue to be strong, we’ll meet by Zoom,
and keep all safe in our town
We’ll live by the Creed,
and pass it along, spreading our attitude.
We’ll be kind to all,
give them a smile and never ever be rude.
So check on your friends and family,
making sure they are doing alright.
Everyone needs to feel the love,
so please share your shining light!
Sally L.
Challenge: Quarantine & Me Baking Contest
I started this blog a little bit ago, but now while in this COVID-19 quarantine I know I am blessed that myself and my Club (Paragon Optimist) were able to be a part of and have a memory of good times. A time when we were together, a time when schools were in session, a time when a night out was safe. This memory has also inspired me, or maybe should I say challenged me. Please read on and I hope you too are inspired and join me in this challenge and will share your good times.
Dads, uncles, brothers, friends, were the “HE” male counterparts during Fairfield Central’s annual He & Me Cake Decorating Contest. On January 24, 2020 there were 64 cake entries and every cake was unique!
This contest has been held at Fairfield Central Elementary School for over 15 years. It was begun by a PTC mom, who wanted to find something where the dads/male figures in a child’s life could participate. Each team brings their baked cake, decorating supplies, creativity and then enjoys a delightful night of hands on fun! Paragon Optimist Club has been assisting with this function since 2008 and we have loved every moment.
On event night promptly at 7PM the contest starts, meaning the actual physical decorating begins. Physical because some students have been planning out their point of attack since the end of the previous year’s contest. Besides icing and a cake, contenders bring candies, pictures, knives for carving, trucks, Barbie dolls, small banners, everything and anything that their minds concocted in order to make their cakes their own extraordinary masterpiece.
Within a half an hour the time to decorate is complete and the cakes are ready to be judged. During that time while the judges review all the cakes is when the Paragon lends a hand. Our important job is to distract the students while the judging is happening. The students begin by enjoying treats and drinks the Paragon Optimist Club supplied while they sit and rest and wonder what they could have done differently, or how amazed they are with how their cakes turned out. After the food is cleaned up, the Paragon has setup an obstacle course, parachute ball tossing, pin the tail on the donkey, basketball shooting contests, scooter races, coloring and bingo for everyone to play.
Then suddenly, it is time to return to the cafeteria for the announcements where more magic happens. Ribbons are awarded in as many categories as needed to cover all of the cakes. The pride and joy of the evening is inspirational. I think the “He’s” in the room are just as excited as the students. Together they created this edible artwork all on their own. Prizes, snacks, games, a whole lot of time together, and now a cake to share, what’s not to love about this night!
Personally, I cannot wait until next year to see what the new creations will be. And as I said this blog inspired me to a challenge. This challenge I hope will inspire memories of good times and leads to a delightful night(s) and unique treats.
Challenge: Quarantine & Me Baking Contest
Anyone can play
Take as much time as you need
Take a few photos of you and yours creating a baked treat unique to you
Every baked treat needs your personal touch – we know not everyone is a baker, so have no fear, support local, but give it some of your personal flare!
And if you dare, share one happy moment you experienced during this challenge
#TogetherAtHome #Covid19Challenge #Baking #SupportLocal
The first few entries….please add your entry to the comments!
Be the next to take the challenge!
#TogetherAtHome #Covid19Challenge #Baking #SupportLocal
Andrea R.
First Quarter 2019-2020
The first three months have been remarkable! I have learned so much about how our Club operates, but more importantly about you, our members.
There were good times and sad times and no matter the time we were there for each other – showing me that our Club is more than just a club but is a family
Your generosity and outreach to the community has been outstanding! Everything from assisting with Meal Ministry, Trunk or Treat, Adopt-a-Road, Christmas Family, and supporting fellow charities like the Fairfield Optimist Club with their Monte Carlo (which is an extremely fun fundraiser) and the DD Breakfast with Santa, and the NAMI Walk.
The Paragon Optimist Club would be nothing if it weren’t for our gracious members and their commitment to the community. I thank each and every one of you for your continued support.
From my heart to yours,
Sharon B, President
Ladies, You're Invited!
Come help the Paragon Optimist Club with a service project. On Tuesday, January 21, 2020, we are making sleeping mats out of plastic bags, and donating them to the Military Veterans Resource Center in Hamilton.
A Card Can Do So Much!
Boxes and boxes of cards surrounded by stickers, stamps and pens…holiday music is playing and all I need now is my friends, Paragon members, to arrive!
I remember watching a holiday movie where a soldier, who had no family, was given a Christmas card. The card sender wrote a letter inside the card so touching the soldier decided he wanted to meet this person. The movie goes on with various middle content that makes your heart sink once the soldier and card writer fall in love. By no means am I looking for another love but I do want to pass on holiday cheer and compassion, which is why when my son, Mark’s schoolmate started organizing people to sign cards for soldiers and veterans I jumped right in to assist. During the events there’s holiday music playing, lots of food, good moods, and new people to meet, which all creates wonder memories.
With all the merriment and cheer I experienced at those events I decided to involve the Paragon Optimist Club. After our meeting a few weeks ago we set to work writing notes, signing, and decorating cards. It was interesting to watch the dynamics of those involve. Everyone picked a job and one member found funny Christmas jokes to share. There was so much laughter that you could not hear the Christmas music in the background!
In total there were 261 cards signed!
These cards will be given to soldiers on active duty, and Veteran hospitals. Hopefully this will bring a moment of cheer that lets them know we are thinking of them. It was easy to provide care packages when we saw picture of fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places. We need to keep up the support all the time.
Pat B
Sock Hop Raises Awareness
American Bandstand…………or was it A Paragon Bandstand???
The iconic show American Bandstand was an original powerhouse combining television, rock & roll and teenagers. The other night our club channeled American Bandstand by combing our spirit of giving, fun and hard work. Paragon Optimist Club is a non-profit organization that is also a powerhouse with members who love finding any opportunity to give back. Case and point, they heard sock hop and it immediately led to collecting socks for the homeless while we danced the night away!
American Bandstand was an American music performance and dance television program that aired in various versions from 1952-1989 and was hosted from 1956 until its final season by Dick Clark.
The original release date was October 7, 1952. The show aired from 3:30 - 4:30 delivering 3,000 episodes. The first song was “Whole Lotta Shaking Goin’ On” by Jerry Lee Lewis.
Thank you, Dick Clark, for the memories.
A Paragon Bandstand was too hosted by none other than Dick Clark. Members spent the evening dancing to tunes like Baby Love by the Supremes, Don’t be Cruel by Elvis Presley, Locomotionby Little Eva, YMCA, The Twist,and many more. Members came prepared in 50’s attire and held a dance competition complete with judges.
A fun, fun evening was had by all. We danced, and danced …...
A Paragon Bandstand took it to the next level when members not only showed up in their socks, but also brought a pair (or two) to donate. Over 40 pairs of socks were collected!
"For now, Dick Clark ... so long."
WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME TOMORROW? (by the Shirelles) was the only question asked as members left the clubhouse.
Thank you all for a fun time ladies. I am blessed to be surrounded by a group of women who want to have fun while we work to better to the world.
Janet L
Kids should get candy
At Halloween who doesn’t get candy? Since I was a little girl, I can remember Halloween and it meant candy. After hours of going door to door yelling ‘Trick or Treat’ at the top of my lungs I would end the night with a large bag of candy. Looking back, I also remember smiling adults who filled my bag and filled my heart with childhood joy. The joy of Halloween candy can be similar to the joy of Christmas gifts. With that in mind, at Christmas many children qualify through a school or church support program, but what happens during the holidays like Halloween?
While assisting at Lutheran Trinity Church’s ‘Feed your Neighbor’ program I unfortunately have seen children not getting to be children. Isn’t is bad enough that these kids have no idea where their next meal will be coming from, but many times they are also coming alone because their parents work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
Many of our club members had heard about schools and churches hosting Trunk or Treats, but it wasn’t until we worked with these children first hand that we realized the huge need for such a simple event. The kids get to dress up or face paint or wear their clothes in some silly way pretending that it is a costume. Then they go to the church and one by one travel from trunk to truck, not even knowing what to say or do. But after hours of going from trunk to trunk they end the night with candy and snacks and smiles and loving support from the community.
I am proud to say that this is the second year that the Paragon Optimist Club attended and hosted a trunk for the kids. It has been fun to dig out old costumes, so I too can dress up like the kids, and so they also see that it is OK to be silly and smile.
Andrea R
As a Paragon Optimist
WOW, what a second year I have had as a Paragon Optimist! From finding great new friends, who feel more like family, to realizing as a group we can make a difference.
Hello, I’m Sharon and this is the first blog I’ve ever written. I was inspired by our other members, who have written one, and I have since learned writing a blog is extremely hard and stressful… Despite that I powered through because sharing my thoughts and experiences with others can lead to positive outcomes.
When I first because a member I suffered through a botched shoulder surgery. This limited my physical abilities and caused me to feel I couldn’t help. Luckily, I eventually found a surgeon who changed my life, and I was finally able to become the productive member I knew I could be.
Volunteering has been very therapeutic and fulfilling.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been inspired by a story describing the feeling of satisfaction gained when someone has done something good for the community. For me it’s no longer a story but my reality. I didn’t realize how helping with street cleaning or meal ministry would make me feel so satisfied. I certainly had no clue that reading the fourth grade essays, “Is it ever OK to tell a lie,” would make me thankful that I am no longer in school!
I am very proud to be a member and am looking forward to many more years of helping my fellow Optimists strive to provide hope and a positive vision for the youth. While at the same time enjoying the camaraderie I feel whenever we are all together.
Can’t wait to see what the upcoming year will bring!
Sharon B
Another Use for Plastic Bags – Comfier Sleep for Veterans
No matter how environmentally conscience I try to be I still end up with plastic bags. I hate the thought of putting them in the garbage, which is why I was so excited that my optimist club decided to make sleeping mats out of them. In the past year, the Paragon Optimist Club has made and donated about 25 mats!
The mats are comfortable and create a barrier between the ground and the body, which helps retain body heat while sleeping. These mats are also really low maintenance. If they get wet, they can easily be dried. If they get dirty, they can be hosed off or shaken out. They are also light weight and portable.
This all stared when my friend mentioned to me that she’s making mats for the homeless. She saw a post on Facebook and thought, well I can do that, so she reached out and learned what was all involved. The supply list isn’t complicated: plastic bags, scissor and a crochet hook, however, to make one mat you’ll need 500-700 bags…
During one of our meetings I stated what my friend was doing and asked if everyone would save plastic bags. Not only did folks say they’d save bags, but they loved the idea and wanted to help make mats too! In July 2018 my friend came to a meeting and taught us how to cut the bag into strips, loop the strips together to make plarn (plastic-yarn). From there she showed us how to take the plarn and crochet it into a sleeping mat. This is all very simple, but can be a long process, which is why many do this at home while watching tv.
After a little while we created a few mats and were ready to donate them, and that is when I discovered the Military Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) – Hamilton Resource Center. MVRC recognizes that the transition from military service to civilian life often is difficult. Their goal is to help veterans identify and overcome the barriers that are holding them back from the life they want. Our mats are given to homeless Vets who now have a home so that the Vets have a little cushion under their sleeping bags.
Dan Dunaway, Veterans Services Specialistat the Hamilton Resource Center, shared two occasions where our mats came in handy. The first was a gentleman who had been discharged after serving eight years in the military. After a year, the Vet was homeless and jobless, and thankfully reached out for assistance. From that point, Dan was able to find the Vet a job and an apartment. Since the Vet was homeless, he didn’t have a bed, and Dan was able to provide a mat as part of his bedding. I’d like to think that our mat helps the Vet get a goodnight’s sleep so when he wakes up he’s ready to take on the world.
Dan’s latest incident affected a veteran and his whole family when their home caught on fire. This family lost a lot and they currently are living in a one-bedroom apartment. Dan was able to provide this family of 5 with 5 mats for them to use for bedding. I’m sure sleeping isn’t easy for this family, but I hope our mats gives them some support.
The Paragon Optimist Club continues to make mats. It makes me smile that plastic bags are now being used for a good cause and are not being put in the landfill. Every mat may look different, but they all show that we care. It is an amazing opportunity to provide someone in need something homemade and useful.
Pat B
I have SECRET to Share!
It all began last fall.
Through a random drawing, a Secret Pal was secretly introduced to Paragon members. Members gave gifts & blessings throughout the year. Some were BIG surprises and some were very small. Gifts include games & puzzles, candy & crafts, jewelry & gems, wines & winnings, plants & parrots(?).
Oh my goodness every week SOME BODY was getting SOMETHING! And, of course, very secretly!!
In August the Secret Pal was revealed. Many were surprised—many, many thanks were extended. It was GREAT fun!
We plan to bring another Secret Pal drawing alive in October. Oh what will next year bring? Hang around & find out. It is a SECRET you know!!
Janet L
Amazed by Fourth Graders
I am struck by the students essays we read aloud as part of the Paragon Optimists Club’s essay contest the other night at our meetings. Many of the children wrote on the prompt: “Don’t Judge Me Because…” These young people are so affected by feeling judged. So many wrote that they felt judged for liking “boy things” or “girl things”. They felt judged for their clothes and shoes and whether or not they have a dad. It was heartbreaking to hear kids felts this way. At the same time, to be so young and yet so in tuned to others’ feelings is amazing to me.
I tried to remember myself as a 4th grader, and I don’t think I was so in tuned with others’ opinion of me. My heart goes out to these girls and boys. I want them to know they aren’t being judged by me and so many others and that they are special and loved.
It was incredibly interesting to hear about machine inventions from other classrooms. There were machines that made a disabled person’s day better and easier, to a machine that reads minds, the ideas were quite varied. So many students thought of machines to help people. This is so far beyond their 10 short years.
The last prompt that struck me was about the child’s hero. A young child thought their mom was a hero for adopting and taking caring of them. These essays revealed how adult issues are so apparent to children. Another child wrote about their grandfather who fought in a war for their family. To hear these children and their very mature statements is overwhelming. It makes me wonder what we could do for them; how can we spread these positive messages?
I’d like to let them to know, we won’t judge you but are here to support you. We love your imaginations and we know you will make the world a better place. We are proud of your heroes, who are true examples of how we should strive to live. In the words of one of our essay winner’s we want to “be the reason someone smiles today!”
Erika W
I'm a Paragon!
My mom has been big into the Paragon Optimist Club, and this past September (2018) she invited me to attend their installation dinner. She was being installed as a board member, and I thought it would be fun to see my mom installed in something she seems to be passionate about.
I attended a meeting or two prior to the installation, but I really didn’t know what to expect. After attending what I can say – the food was wonderful, door prizes were the flower centerpieces (side note: I won a centerpiece, and a 50/50 raffle!), but the best part for me really was the great group of women, who made me feel right at home.
In March, of this year (2019) she invited me to their Zone Meeting, which also includes a quarter auction to raise money for a local charity. Again, I really had no idea what this was all about, but I said sure. It was another super night! I was filled with food, raffle baskets (sad side note: I didn’t win this time), and great women who once again made me feel welcome. All monies collected that night was donated to New Life Mission.
I was hooked!
The more mom talked about the club, the more interested I became. The awesome projects they work on for the community like Meal Ministry, Paragon Pals and numerous others had me wanting to be part of the action! So here I am ready to fill out my application to become a member.
Thanks mom for introducing me to the great charitable organization.
Angela G
Learning Through Fourth Grade Essays
The mission of the Paragon Optimist Club is to provide hope and a positive vision for the youth, and to improve our community as a whole. One way our Club accomplishes this is holding a fourth grade essay contest in local schools.
Essay writing is a core element that is developed during the fourth grade. Every school is given topics and a deadline. The students are educated by the teachers on how to construct a paragraph. The teachers also provide guidance on how to support a topic. After the deadline, all essays are judged, and two winning essays are selected from each school.
There were thirteen participating schools with 1,023 student essays submitted!
This year the students had the choice of “Don’t judge me, because…. ,” “I’d like to invent a machine that… ,” or “My hero is…”
While helping judge the essays it was very difficult to pick winners. The authors wrote from the heart. These authors, these kids wrote about the environment, special needs, other current topics, and some that I never thought a 9/10 year old would be concerned about. When the winning essays were read aloud at the club meeting, there were tears, laughter and empathy expressed. Below is a quick list of various subjects the students chose to write about:
Do not judge me, because…
I’m not a ‘girlie’ girl, but enjoy sports and/or being a tomboy
Because I work hard on schoolwork, or I’m a nerd, or I’m honest and persistent in solving issues
I sit alone so I don’t have to hear the unkind words spoken to me
My father left and we were homeless, but now things are better. We do not buy many new things because we’re saving money for grandfather’s surgery
My physical limitation, my autism, my english as a second language, or that I’m just different
Have any of you had the same experiences? Are these the issues that lead to school fights or shootings we’ve heard about?
I’d like to invent a machine that…
Would help other people
Would help the homeless
Helped people with Down Syndrome
Get the world with more air and renewable resources, a machine that helped trees grow would be invented
Would take me back in time to meet presidents, Martin Luther King Jr., and my great-grandparents
Allowed less items will go in the landfill by reusing/changing those items into water and food for Africa and other counties. The machine would be called the “reuseanator machine.”
Killed bugs, or reading minds, or shrinking people, or cancer cures, or creates friends and removes negativity from your DNA
These ideas were very creative. Their awareness of issues to improve this world is awesome. It is nice to hear about the good in our future leaders.
My hero is…
Jesus because no one believed Jesus except for the eleven disciples and had to fight for his life for a long time
The astronaut Sally Ride. She is an inspiration to little girls and women to follow their dreams
My father, he is a police officer and has saved a person. He spends time with helping with homework and lots more. He shows how to help and love other people
My foster mother who takes care of them and their other siblings. The birth mother was on drugs and died and dad is in jail. Because of the foster mom the family gets fed, helped with homework and various other things
In looking at these young authors, they notice what is going on around them. They see the good role models they have. They have good examples to guide them through life.
The students had a chance to practice what they were taught. They had lots of wonderful ideas. They should be very proud of what they achieved. The parents and teachers of all the students who enter should be proud as well. Good job everyone! The Paragon Optimist Club is happy and honored to enable these students to express their thoughts through our essay contest.
Pat B
Another Fun Night
Paragon Optimist Club puts together and delivers over 150 baskets for charities every year. This year the baskets were donated to:Family Promise (10), Haven House (20), Kate’s Cupboard (54), New Life Mission (30), Sojourner Recovery Center (29), Tikkun Farm (36).
Thoughts from members after assembling all those baskets: